Get Involved in Signature C3 Events

We partner with leading organizations in the construction industry to host high-profile events. Each event offers unique opportunities to support the growth of the craft workforce.

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Learn More About Our Signature Events

We host high-profile events throughout the year, highlighted by our #SHEbuildsHouston career exploration event, the annual C3 Golf Classic, the Workforce Development Conference, the annual Bowling Tournament, and hiring events.

Our events bring together stakeholders from throughout the construction industry to support the advancement of a safe, skilled, and sustainable craft talent pipeline.

C3 events help us carry out our mission of building a sustainable craft workforce. The events are a platform to build the talent pipeline, bring stakeholders together to learn from each other, solve problems facing the industry, and fund future events.

Want to know more?

Want to know more about sponsoring or participating in a C3 event? Reach out to us with questions.