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Creating a Sustainable Workforce for the Construction Industry

Construction Career Collaborative (C3) brings together stakeholders from the construction industry to create a safe, skilled, and sustainable craft workforce pipeline. Get involved to benefit from a stronger construction industry.

#SHEbuildshouston 2025 NEEDS


64/150 42.67%

Discussion Leaders

28/30 93.33%
25/30 83.33%
construction site

About Our Organization

Established in 2009, C3 is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that has fostered collaboration amongst various stakeholders to address craft workforce challenges.

Our mission statement

As an interdependent alliance of construction industry leaders, we are collectively committed to positively impacting the future of the industry by strengthening the safe, skilled, and sustainable craft workforce pipeline.

C3's Impact


Partner Companies


Course Graduates


Tracked Hires


Students Educated

Our Valued Construction Owners

construction workers

General Contractors

How C3 is Strengthening the Industry


Craft Workers with OSHA 10 Training


Craft Workers with OSHA 30 Training


Aggregate of Contractors & Owners


Man Hours for all C3 Projects


TRIR% Below National Average (non-residential)


Value of all C3 Projects


We support owners by ensuring that projects involving craft workers meet specific construction criteria. We ensure quality, safety, and productivity by monitoring compliance to C3 principles.

General Contractor

We work with GCs to authenticate your commitment to safe and productive construction projects. We also provide tools to build a high-quality workforce.

Specialty Contractors

We support specialty contractors to recruit and train a highly capable and engaged craft workforce ensuring better quality projects for owners.

Training Managers

We advance skills training programs that include a strong safety culture for the current workforce. We will also help you attract more skilled and employable workers.

CTE Directors

We work with CTE Directors to incorporate construction training into your program. We help students learn about rewarding career opportunities.

Craft Workers

We are committed to reducing the barriers to entry into the construction industry. Learn more about how C3 is working to impact craftworkers. 

construction workers at job site


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