Is Your Company an Employer of Choice?

Diane Aguilar

Marketing & Development Manager
Construction Career Collaborative

As most leaders in the construction industry would agree, there is a significant shortage of skilled workers in the craft trades today.  In fact, according to a survey conducted by AGC of America and Autodesk in the summer of 2018, 80% of construction companies responded that they were having difficulty finding qualified workers.  It is a multifaceted issue, but as Baby Boomers retire, they are not being replaced by young people interested in a career in the craft trades.  The result of which is the current state, an unsustainable craft workforce.  To put it bluntly, the construction industry is losing the battle for talent to other industries.

So how do we change this narrative?  C3 has the formula, and it is not a mystery.  The construction industry must offer what other industries offer – a career – not a job.  Young people today want to work for companies that value them as employees, that provide opportunity for growth with skills training linked to a career path and the ability to work autonomously.  Couple that with the training to work safely and a career in the construction industry gets the attention of folks considering their career alternatives.

Today’s young people are no different than those in the generations before them.  They want to work for companies, no matter the industry, that provide them a future where they are in control of their career.

As I have stated many times in presentations, it is not a coincidence that the great majority of the most successful construction companies have robust workforce development programs.  Leaders of these companies will also tell you that their people are their greatest asset and the key to their success.  These companies have achieved the status of an employer of choice.  This means that their reputation of being an excellent employer attracts candidates to them.  It also means that they most likely have fewer “people problems”.

C3 provides the guidance and consulting services to assist your company as it develops the blueprint that will help it attract and develop the talent needed to grow and achieve greater success.  C3 can help your construction company become an employer of choice.

Contact us.  It might be the best decision that you make in 2020.

For additional information, please contact Angela Robbins-Taylor at [email protected] or by phone at 713.999.1032

Chuck Gremillion
Executive Director

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