Priming the Pipeline

Diane Aguilar

Marketing & Development Manager
Construction Career Collaborative


When it comes to solving our workforce sustainability problems Ryunosoke Satoro had it right all the way back in 1824, individually we are just a drop but together we are the ocean. That is the basic premise of C3 and our collaboration between owner, GC, specialty, and design professionals. Collaboratively we make a bigger wave. It is why currently we are working on three new key initiatives to make for a stronger pipeline.

  1. Design Build – Construction Industry Education Foundation – C3 is excited to be serving on the advisory board for this program as it enters the Texas market. Taking career exploration at high schools one step further, CIEF works with career and technical student teams to compete in a design and building competition that showcases real work environments over a two-day job. The program distributes safety awards, design and construction awards, and scholarships to pursue further certification in the industry. Launching in 2023 in Houston and Dallas, now is the perfect time to join in the efforts to build up our pipeline with these young people in cooperation with this is 40+year old California foundation.
  2. Volunteer Houston -With growth comes the need for more people to join the ranks of C3 without leaving their day jobs. Volunteer Houston, a collaboration between United Way and Interfaith Ministries, will be hosting volunteer opportunities for all C3 outreach events with ISDs. Creating greater reach and brand recognition as well as momentum for our mission, we are recruiting you and those who have never even heard of C3 to support the mission of career-ready as a viable route to success. Watch for more about how to sign up for events and get yourself involved in the first wave of C3 volunteer orientation.
  3. Talent Pipeline Management – US Chamber of Commerce and UpSkill Houston – Working to further educate C3 staff and prepare us to operate as a unified industry voice, we will be convening our first collaborative in 2023. The collaborative will be working towards outlining our actual workforce need for 2023-2025 in critical roles. Along with demand, we will be charging the work group to create and define competencies that are needed for success in each role.

Look for more great partnerships outlined in future issues of the newly rebranded “Priming the Pipeline” newsletter on workforce sustainability. In the meantime, if you hold a degree in Human Resources or Workforce Development and would like to join our team – head to our LinkedIn profile to apply for our open position. Can’t find that email your resume and interest to me directly. Together we can form the wave that changes the industry.


Angela Robbins Taylor
C3 Executive Director

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