A Look at Our Team

Diane Aguilar

Marketing & Development Manager
Construction Career Collaborative

Hello Friend,

You may be surprised at how often I hear “I didn’t realize how small the C3 staff is”. I take this as a huge compliment, especially because about 50 percent of our staff has joined us within the last year. But here we are. A team of just eight highly motivated individuals. Getting all the stuff done. Impacting projects, companies, schools, and the industry as much as we can with all we’ve got.
I recently got to spend my lunch break with our newest staff member, Nancy, and I realized that we are still getting to know each other. So, if we are still getting to know one another within our office, what do our partners know about us? Who do you know that works at C3? What exactly do you think they do for the organization?

Reflecting on how to tell you who our staff is, I’ve noticed we all have several things in common. Every single person on our staff takes pride in the ownership of duties, and I have never heard a staff member say they were unable to take on a new challenge. In fact, I witness the opposite almost daily. I see staff members jump in and offer to help other staff members at any opportunity. If they can’t help, they will at least offer an ear to listen or a little “cheer-up dance” if you’re lucky. So let me introduce you to this fabulous team of people I consider family.

Serafina is usually the first voice a person hears when they call for information about enrolling. She is our Operations Administrator and handles all incoming inquiries by phone and email, and if you’ve ever been on our website and seen our little Serafina-bot pop up offering to help, that’s actually her! She is excited to jump in wherever she can, so on top of handling all the steps of getting companies enrolled, she also tracks all of our financials and helps keep the website up to date as companies enroll or reach new craft training endorsement levels.

Ebrahim (Eb) is our Industry Outreach Director and one of our newest staff members. His position and energy allow us to develop and offer new student outreach events. He is currently running the planning for our #SHEbuildsHouston event as well as our Educational Committee. He is also working to plan our upcoming career awareness event and career fair, as well as planning our attendance at other educational functions.

Daniel is our Compliance Manager. This may sound scary, but I assure you that Daniel does his best to help every project team come as close to reaching perfect compliance as possible. He goes above and beyond to make sure project teams are given ample time to address any findings he may come across on a job site visit because he believes that we are not into the business of slapping wrists, we are looking for ways to elevate the industry and this can only happen by upholding C3 requirements. In addition to taking care of compliance, Daniel has recently taken over our Safety Committee and is currently working on developing a scorecard to present to project owners.

Nick, one of our Learning & Development Business Consultants, has been with us for over a year now and has made a huge contribution to our staff and what we’ve been able to offer. He not only consults with companies, but he also leads instruction on many of our courses and always makes himself available to bounce around ideas. Nick served our country as an Army Staff Sergeant for 18 years and did two tours during his service. He demonstrates what he learned in the army about teamwork every single day.

Reba has been with C3 longer than most. She is also a Learning & Development Business Consultant and spends most of her day meeting with external companies to help them develop training programs and competency maps so they can reach their craft training endorsement goals. Within the office, she has is our Excel and Access expert who can build beautiful spreadsheets and charts. Like everyone else, she is happy to offer a hand whenever she sees the need and has proven herself to be a true-blue friend for the past three years I’ve worked with her.

Nancy, our Talent Management Business Consultant, as I mentioned earlier is our newest staff member. Her position is similar to that of what Reba and Nick do. She consults with external companies to help prepare them to reach their desired craft training endorsement levels. She has a strong focus on HR, so she brings this to their companies as well. In her short time with C3, I’ve already seen how she naturally brings our staff closer together and inspires collaboration. On top of that, it’s undeniably obvious that she truly cares about everyone on the staff and in the companies with whom she meets.

Angela… what can I say about our Executive Director. I’ve worked with her almost as long as she’s been at C3, and I’ve witnessed her grow into new positions at a pace I didn’t even know was possible. She not only handles the executive functions of meeting with representatives of outside companies, and communicating with the board of directors, but she is engaged in every aspect of C3. She’s done an excellent job of recruiting talent that has drive, ambition, and fits so well within this organization. Probably most importantly, she makes it a point to check in and ask about how each of us is doing every day on both professional and personal levels. She is my first boss that has truly understood how much life and stressors at home can affect our work and she is always there to offer any guidance she can. She is truly an inspiration to all of us here at C3.

And I’m Diane. As I mentioned, I’ve been with C3 almost as long as Angela. I started as the Operations Administrator where I put many processes into place. I enjoy talking with people about C3 and our mission, and since starting at C3, I’ve finished a degree and moved up to become the Marketing & Operations Manager. In this position, I oversee both the operations and compliance departments and handle all our digital and traditional marketing. I also help as much as I can in as many places as possible because I want to see all our efforts succeed, and because I love getting to work with all of these fabulous people.

So, there you have it. We are a small staff trying to make a big impact. If you work with us at all, you probably know that the impact we are trying to make just isn’t possible without the involvement of volunteers and companies who believe in us. Thank you for believing in us and for being so wonderful to work with. I hope to get to know each of you well and on a personal level because people with hearts like yours, like those of each of our staff members, just make life and work so much better.

If you want to be more involved in helping us impact the commercial construction industry but haven’t had a chance yet, please click on the button below to learn where you can plug in as a volunteer or committee member.


Diane Aguilar
C3 Marketing & Operations Manager

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