Break the Bias

Diane Aguilar

Marketing & Development Manager
Construction Career Collaborative

​Hello Friend,

It is March 2nd and we are feverishly preparing for the 2nd #SHEbuildsHouston event. We didn’t ever plan to host this event, it grew organically. We never planned to host the second one outside in order to combat a pandemic or during Women’s History Month. But we are. Great things just seem to grow organically like this one and well we couldn’t be happier that this is happening two short days before the kick-off of Women In Construction Week. Maybe next year we can maneuver it to be Rosie the Riveter day (March 21st). Now wouldn’t that be something? But celebrating how women can advance themselves and break down barriers is nothing new.

On March 8, 2022, the world will collectively celebrate the day of the woman. Shortly after its inception in 1911, a group of women in Russia marched for peace, the right to vote, and equal pay. 111 years later women around the world will celebrate the theme of #BreaktheBias by joining together to have hard conversations with peers, walk for equity in pay and protection, and step one step closer to Sheryl’s world where leaders are great because they lead not because of their gender.

Construction Career Collaborative is all about breaking biases. There are a few out there in desperate need of breaking. Just as important as equity for women is the idea that all jobs are valuable and our world revolves on the hands and feet of all who are contributing to their society. C3’s most important mission from inception has been to re-establish the trade’s as a desirable career. I would imagine if we could talk to the great builders of the pyramids, the Taj Mahal, and palaces of yesteryear they would be surprised that construction is viewed in any way negatively. After all, they were sought after, seen as masters of the craft, and able to point to with pride to the world around them and say “I built that”.

The world we live in now sees construction as dangerous and dead-end and probably a last resort job and not a career. While we know that construction careers provide the opportunity to express the creative and the beautiful through the built environment. We manage projects with integrity and we work collectively to produce high-quality results in a safe and timely manner. Unfortunately, the world has been sold another bill of goods. Now is the time to #breakthebias against our industry as well. So join us at #SHEbuildsHouston or create a women’s event of your own. Set up a program to intern some new recruits or volunteer with us as we create a sustainable workforce. And if you are so inclined tag us in your Strike the Pose #breakthebias posts on March 8th as we celebrate the women who are following in the family


Angela Robbins Taylor
Executive Director

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