A Whirlwind of Activity

Diane Aguilar

Marketing & Development Manager
Construction Career Collaborative

Hello Friend,

So many things have happened in the last two weeks for Construction Career Collaborative (C3), that I just can’t wait to share it all with you.
First, we held an incredibly successful #SHEbuildsHouston event. Thanks to our underwriters Turner Construction, TDI, and Satterfield & Pontikes. And a huge thank you to Action Gypsum Supply and CertainTeed for the wonderful safety kits. With over 70 volunteers, 22 speakers, 31 booths, and 1000 young women we far exceeded our expectations and it was a great treat to have ABC13 and Nick Natarrio out to talk workforce with us. If you missed the interview, you can find it on our website.

This was followed closely by our social media campaign featuring family ties. We featured women who are in the industry because of parents and even women who are in the industry inspiring the kids to join us. We will be continuing the series on Fridays and so we are seeking your pictures of you and your industry parent or grandparent or you and your industry child. Drop yours in email to [email protected]. WIC Week also saw an opportunity for us to present about workforce on a podcast with Build with Billd. Check it out here.

In the midst of all the great WIC week and #SHEbuildsHouston planning, we also kicked off a program to collaborate with Hastings High School in Alief ISD where they run a PTECH program. PTECH is a really great hybrid of Career and Technical Education that produces high school graduates who earn both a diploma and an Associates in Construction Management through HCC. We are looking for companies that are interested in hiring this year’s graduating class or interning the juniors. Most of these graduates aspire to be Project Superintendents – one of the harder to fill positions out there.

Wow, I’ve got to take a breath. That was so much for just one week but the truth is we have more!!! Did you know that our golf tournament sells out every year, not to brag but we host a good one! And registration opens next month. Grab the save the date below.

And because life at C3 is always full of new programs for our contractors, in September we will partner with AGC to present the first annual Construction Workforce Development Conference. Geared to help Human Resource and Workforce Development professionals grow their toolkit, the conference will include topics like training, measurement of success, and employee engagement. Our speaker line up will be announced soon and this will be a stellar event. Check the website for updates regularly.

While the workforce pipeline is still slower than the demand we are actively training, recruiting, and developing people at C3. Don’t forget to grab your seat at Driving Business Results, Mentoring for Craft Professionals, or apply for the 2022-2023 cohort of Construction Workforce Development Professional Certification. Continuing Education is part of what we give our craft professionals make sure you invest in yourself as well.

This brings me to the best news of the last two weeks. According to recent research about the great talent shift that happened during the pandemic as workers sought out new career fields, construction workers were among the least likely to leave their job. Even though the world around them was shifting our people stayed put. This tells me we are gaining momentum. We are keeping those we attract and they are happy and engaged. As we continue to recruit more to the pipeline, let’s collaborate together to ensure they are the best craft professionals the world has encountered – let’s allow them the opportunity to be true artisans who belong to the safe, skilled, and sustainable workforce we are creating.

So until next time, share the mission with someone, sign up for a class, and well follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.


Angela Robbins Taylor
Executive Director

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