Growing Together

Diane Aguilar

Marketing & Development Manager
Construction Career Collaborative


Can you believe it has only been a four short years that I have worked with C3 on the mission of strengthening the safe, skilled, and sustainable craft workforce in Houston? And yet we have grown exponentially through that four years, adding experts to our consulting staff and taking on new and exciting adventures like our grant from the Houston-Galveston Workforce Board. And the growth just keeps happening. We are hiring AGAIN! If you know someone who is a talented consultant with a strong talent management background we need to hear about them. This person will continue to help us provide consulting services and endorsements to companies for their craft training programs. Click on the link below to see the full hiring profile on LinkedIN.

Beyond our amazing team, we have added programs that we believe will provide true value to our Accredited Employers and their workforce both in the office and now in the field. Two weeks ago we announced the OSHA partnership with AGC that is available to C3 Accredited Employers and this week we launched our first cohort of NCCER’s Construction Workforce Development Professional. And we aren’t done yet. Registration is open for NCCER’s Mentoring for Craft Professionals. This course will be taught by C3 staff, thanks to the NCCER sponsorship of ABC/CMEF. The course teaches craft professionals how to mentor other craft workers to continue their skill growth in the field. If you have an on-the-job training program and rely on the field to mentor and teach, this class is a must have for your organization.

We can’t grow like this unless we have the partner companies like our growing list of Accredited Employers, General Contractors, Advocates, and Owners. Together we are strengthening the industry. Together we are elevating the level the ability of construction to compete for high quality talent. Together we are creating sustainability for commercial construction in Houston. So thank you for being part of our growth and pushing to move the needle on construction workforce sustainability.

Angela Robbins Taylor
Executive Director

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